Friday 14 June 2013

Summer Salute: Summer Concerts Kick Off: At Kaisaniemi Park

12 of June from 16:00-20:00

6 of December is Independence Day of Finland, easily enough, 12 of June is its Capital Day, so called Helsinkin Päivä! Since the beginning of June, from independent zine Sue, tri-day concerts or pub gigs are promoting page by page; JES! Because music festival season in Finland counts down now, it’s about time to have a very Finnish one to warm up (and the fast way to advance Finnish)!!!

Mainly sponsored by Aalto Radio Station, Kesäkonsertti, at Kaisaniemi Park, right next to Helsinki Central Railway Station, from 15:40-22:00, lists Laura Närhi, Haloo Helsinki, Tuure Kilpeläinen, Irina, Anssi Kela, Anna Puu, Sunrise Avenue and J. Karjalainen as guests for public. Due to the sight and safety concerns, umbrellas are not allowed, while the sky turns cloudy and grey quite swiftly. Luckily when one of my favourite pop rock bands Haloo Helsinki starting, the sky becomes a combination of silver and blue. Haloo Helsinki lead singer Elli sings 2013 single ‘Vapaus Käteen Jää’ (Icy Free hands), the live mood has a slight melancholy, while hits ‘Huuda!’(Scream!) pops up, the whole rock ‘n’ roll spirit transforms the worries of the unpredictable weather of the day.
copyright: Haloo Helsinki
Huuda,huuda ilosta...huuda huuda onnesta!!
Anssi Kela

Alas, the raindrops just fall as its wish, so I skip Tuure Kilpeläinen and rush into Hesburger for a cup of hot chocolate, a chicken burger and French fries to warm my stomach and body, and afterwards my mate joins me from 18:00-20:00. Irina is very much like Janis Joplin, her voice also has a deep potential of grunge singing skills; Anssi Kela performs as powerful as I saw him at IVANAhelsinki event (April 5 th), unfortunately the stereo speakers mute for around 30 seconds due to the unknown reason, but Anssi and the band stay calm and carry on; Anna Puu’s music is lovely, the stage image is romantic, her voice is fresh and her attitude is cute but pretentious, it’s so nice I can watch her play guitar and sing alive. My recent favourite ‘Säännöt Rakkaudelle’(The Rules of Love) conveys fragile but poetic feeling, when Anna croons the lyrics, quite many female audiences chant chorally (me inclusive!); at the moment, the heaven tears drizzly, but the gig just ends amorously perfectly.

More info about Kesäkonsertti, please go to:
Photography: Haloo Helsinki, Mindy Yuan 
Special Thanks: JMH

How can this happen?
Well, you just have to deal with it.

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